Ten Favourite Inspirational Quotes
Inspirational Quotes Coming across a great quote can be very therapeutic, at least that’s been my experience. Sometimes it’s all I need to jolt me out of a creative slump or help me put things into perspective. Everyone probably has their own favourite inspirational quotes, words they reach for when the going gets tough. The following is a list of my ten favourite inspirational quotes. They range from the whacky to the deeply philosophical and probably reflect the wanderings of my mind! I hope that you enjoy reading them and perhaps come across an interesting one that you haven’t read before. Ten Favourite Inspirational Quotes “The two most important days in…
Ten Favourite Creativity Quotes
Quotes: Are you like me, sometimes needing inspiration and wondering where to find it? I have always loved reading interesting quotes, the type of quotes that jump out at you and make you go ” Whoa! “. Whenever I come across a particularly good one, I tend to write it down so that I’ll be able to refer to it later, perhaps when I’m in need of some inspiration. I’ve made a list of my ten favourite creativity quotes and I hope that you find something of interest among them. They range from the quirky to the deeply thought-provoking, but in each of them I find comfort and…