Drama: Knockmeaden( Day 19 )
The Challenge for Day 19 Today’s challenge is to “Write in someone else’s Voice.” I’ve just recently been reading some of the works of Martin McDonough, author of The Beauty Queen of Leenane, so I thought this might make for an interesting challenge. My first attempt at Drama. Apologies in advance for the language, but these characters are a bit naughty 🙂 Drama: Knockmeaden Here are a few, brief details of the play. I’ll probably add more when I get time! Background: This Drama is set in Knockmeaden, a rural village located about three kilometers from Westport. It revolves around the relationship between two brothers, Micky and Tommy and their…
Seeking Leprechauns ( Day 12 )
The Challenge for Day 12 Today’s challenge from Jeff Goins is to “Rewrite history, imagine an alternate reality, or just plain lie.” Okay, here is my alter ego 🙂 …Seeking Leprechauns Seeking Leprechauns My goodness! An award for one of my books! It’s hard to believe, but this is my new reality and I feel quite overwhelmed. The accolade isn’t even for my first published work, Speed Dating Secrets, a book about love in the modern age. Amazingly, it’s for my far more obscure literary piece, Seeking Leprechauns. This demonstrates how important it is to follow your gut instincts in these matters. I’m not at all a desperate type, but I did spend…
Vodka, Sunscreen and Goat Stew ( Day 9 )
The Challenge for Day 9 Interesting email from Jeff Goins today, where he asks us to ” Teach something.” Well, after my years of teaching primary school children, I’ve learned that sometimes it can be fun to go a bit left of field. So, with that in mind, here’s my advice on getting the best out of a foreign holiday trip… It’s satire, But I’m Irish so I hope I can get away with it 🙂 Vodka, Sunscreen, and Goat Stew ” An Irishman’s Guide to Travelling Abroad” Don’t waste time on Research Who wants to waste hours trawling through the internet? Or even worse, stuck…