
Making Connections with Goodreads

Making Connections with Goodreads

One of the great things about blogging is the amount of interesting websites you come across while you are doing research. My favourite moment was probably  discovering the Goodreads website.  Even my brother in Australia turned out to be on the site. He was the first person to make contact with me, which was brilliant.

A row of books with goodreads written on it.I cannot believe that I’ve spent my whole internet life unaware of this site.  Well, that’s not completely true because I’ve certainly come across the name from time to time. And, on reflection, I’m sure that I’ve been linked to the site on occasion, especially when I was seeking out interesting quotes. But to actually go onto the site and discover all it has to offer, that was something new entirely.  For anyone with a passion for reading, this is definitely the place to go . 

The site is very easy to navigate and offers lots of interesting options, like pre-viewing books.  It also has an appealing layout, so it’s easy on the eye. Making connections, whether with old friends or new, is part of the attraction for me. Reading is obviously a solitary pastime, so this is like a giant internet book club where you can share your reactions to books with other readers.



” No two persons ever read the same book. ” Edmond Wilson


Discovering this website was a revelation to me in more ways than one. It made me realise how important our connections are with other people. And how lovely it is to be able to swap thoughts and opinions with others, especially around shared interests. It’s always great to be part of a local book club, but this gives avid readers another interesting option to explore.

I never realised, starting this cavewoman blog, how many new discoveries I would make. I feel like a whole new world has opened up for me and I can’t wait to get exploring. Like that early cavewoman , her eyes set on an ever expanding vista, ready to venture out into that brave new world. She certainly wasn’t making connections with Goodreads, but she was making her own, new and unique connections.  These links were necessary for survival , but I’m sure that they brought personal benefits too.  Just like they do today.



Photo by Jason Leung on Unsplash





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