
Pampering ( Day 13 )

An array of hair styling equipment, illustration for my Pampering post.

The Challenge for Day 13

Today’s challenge is “Tell us about your Day”, maybe throw in a bit of pizazz so it won’t bore everyone. I happened to have a hairdresser’s appointment today, so immediately the theme of Pampering came to mind. Not sure how much pizazz it contains, it’s just a day in the life, but here goes anyway.



Snow? They said we were meant to have snow. But when I awoke this morning, the ground was just a more glistening shade of grey. Puddles of rain had formed outside the back door and even the cat refused to venture out. Definitely the most miserable looking day of winter so far, but at least it was my hair appointment day. Pampering? Bring it on.

A little bit of pampering goes a long way in relieving the drudgery of winter. Or even life, sometimes. So I put on my heaviest jumper and splashed my way to the car, my big winter coat in my arms. The wind was swishing through the jumper, but when I tried to drag on the coat the sleeves took on a life of their own and flapped around like washing on the line. Damn, I wish I was more organized.

I checked the temperature setting on the car. Two degrees Celcius.  Now, that might not sound alarming, but when you are sitting in soggy clothes it’s not exactly pleasant. So I blasted on the heat and waited for the shivering to stop. After about five minutes I could feel my fingers again, so I turned on the windscreen wipers and headed off. The rain was bulleting onto the window, but at least I was safe inside the car, headed for Pamperland. What more could I ask for?

After about half an hour, I arrived at my destination, a quaint rural bungalow set amongst the well galloped fields of County Kildare. My hairdresser, Linda, works from a log cabin in her garden, something which adds to the whole pampering experience. Who wants loud music, fluorescent lighting and endless background chatter when you are trying to unwind?

Linda was as welcoming as ever. Warm coffee to thaw me out, Celebration sweets as comfort food. Loads of magazines to catch up on celebrity gossip. Like, WHAT is Victoria Beckham doing in that stringy grey pants suit?  Chats about life, my life even, loads of sensible advice. Sometimes I think I don’t pay Linda enough.

So, how was the pampering? Well, it’s great to have an expert wash, cut and blow dry your hair. Maybe add a bit of colour to give it pizazz ( My new favourite word ). But do you know what, it’s more than just that. At the end of the day, it’s all about connecting. The feeling that someone cares about you, that it’s more than just a job. That’s what  I get every time I visit Linda’s hair salon.







Day 13 of My 500 Words 31 Day Challenge, organized by Jeff Goins

Photo by Shari Sirotnak on Unsplash



  • Allison

    I often get hung up on one line and from this post, it’s the “Sometimes I don’t think I pay Linda enough.” Made me laugh because I think the same thing about my hairdresser Ashley.

  • Nadine

    Oh my gosh. I want t visit Linda’s log cabin. This is making me determined to get a hairdresser appointment. It’s just finding one like Linda that’s tough sometimes. I usually end up cutting my own hair but I LOVE to be pampered. Thanks for sharing, I got to live vicariously a little. xoxo

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