• Photography

    Symmetry: Photography Composition #4

    Symmetry What does symmetry mean? How does it relate to composition in photography? Basically, symmetry means that if you fold a picture in half, each side would be a mirror image of the other.  When we come to photography, the concept becomes less strict. After all, we are not trying to follow mathematical rules, but rather attempting to create an aesthetically pleasing image. It’s all about creativity. Whether the picture is exactly symmetrical or not doesn’t matter. Like all art, it’s more about storytelling. What is it you are trying to say with your photograph? Some of my pictures in previous posts are examples of using symmetry in composition, like…

  • Photography

    Off Centre Framing : Composition #3

    Off Centre Framing Knowing how to use off centre framing is an important aspect of composition. Most subjects benefit from this type of placement, it tends to be more interesting and visually appealing. Why is that? Well, it encourages your eye to wander around the image and explore all of it, not just one object stuck in the middle of the frame. Of course, sometimes it’s appropriate to centre your shot. I did that in the Pink photograph because I wanted to emphasize the symmetry of the flower. See Fill the Frame for more details. Having the main subject on the right seem to suit the eye best, but it…

  • Photography

    Negative Space: Photography Composition #2

        Negative Space Yesterday’s blog post about Photography Composition was about filling the frame in order to draw attention to your main subject. The opposite also holds true…You can use negative or empty space to enhance your main subject too. It’s just a different way of approaching your goal. You want your image to be more than just a record. It’s your unique interpretation of the scene, your story to tell. In Fire Ghosts, above,  I wanted to draw attention to the boy holding the fire rods and  the way the flames looked like ghosts. It was a night shot, so processing it as low-key was relatively easy. I wanted all…

  • Photography

    Photography Composition #1: Fill the Frame

      Photography Composition I’ve been asked to give a presentation for my camera club, Happy Snappers on Photography Composition next Tuesday. I remember doing something similar at my previous club, but I have no idea where my notes are.  So here I am, starting from scratch…Probably a good thing, it will keep it fresh, I hope. There are many different tips for helping you create more interesting pictures, but I wouldn’t get too caught up in the rules. We are all individuals and see things differently. What’s important is that your picture says what you want it to say. Are you fascinated by the hundreds of poppies dotting the cornfield,…

  • Blog

    Ten Writing Tips ( Day 8 )

    Day 8 of my 500 Words Challenge ” Make a List” I’m reading my email from Jeff Goins and I do a double take. A list? That’s all he wants today? And me on a roll with all that creative writing? I’m joking, of course. It is such a relief to wind down the dial a bit for today. Gives my brain a chance to paddle along the ocean edge. The big waves are fun, but you can’t keep that pace up constantly, you just might get rolled over. With that in mind, I thought I’d share these ten writing tips with you. Stuff that I’ve learned during my six-month…

  • Blog

    Short Story Writing , Five Useful Websites

    Short Story Writing Generally speaking, a short story is a piece of fiction under approx. 5.000 words in length. Is it just a shorter version of a novel? Not really, short stories actually have more in common with the genre of poetry. You are taking a specific character/event/emotion and focusing in on it like a magnet. “To see the world in a grain of sand” William Blake It’s like concentrating on one photograph on someone’s Facebook, rather than their whole timeline…But, of course, that photograph would need to have something unique or intriguing about it. And, of course, create a strong emotional response. That, to me, is the most important…

  • Blog

    Creative Writing Course Pauline Clooney

    Creative Writing Course Well, it was certainly worth the wait! A couple of months ago, I listed some writing courses based in Ireland and mentioned that I was hoping to participate in one. I decided to go with the creative writing course run by Pauline Clooney at the Kildare Writing Centre.  Some of my friends had already participated in Pauline’s courses and recommended them to me. Last night was the opening session. We were all a little nervous at first, but Pauline quickly put the group at ease. Soon we were chatting like old friends. I think it’s great to have the social element to go along with the learning side as it…

  • Blog

    Eight Creative Writing Course Links, Ireland

    Creative Writing Courses Have you been looking online for a good creative writing course? When I did a google search of creative writing course options in Ireland, I found that there was a huge amount of choice available. I tried to focus my search on the most interesting, versatile and accessible options, particularly for beginners.  I came up with this list of personal favourites, eight creative writing course links in total and I’d be happy to explore any of them. Even if you don’t enroll for a course, many of the sites have interesting links and resources which are well worth exploring. I’m sure that there are other viable options…