Tackling Twitter
Open for Twitter
This blogging is very new to me and it feels like there is no end to the challenges and skills that need to be mastered. As I said in my first post, it was difficult to get the nerve to start and my lack of technical ability definitely slows me down. So, where to next? Tackling Twitter appears to be high on the agenda of most bloggers. It’s very difficult for a new blogger to expand their audience, but I guess it’s something we’d all like to achieve. After all, doesn’t every writer yearn for readers? It’s a little like the story about a tree falling in the forest …If nobody is there to hear it, does it really make a sound?
Tackling Twitter
As part of my attempts to make progress with this creative venture, I decided that I would try to tackle one new issue each day. Today it was the turn of that giant of modern communication, Twitter. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve always been a big fan of Twitter. The problem is that I was a very active observer, but a completely inactive contributor. I had an old account which I had never used, so I thought it would be a good idea to start afresh and bring Cavewoman into the light. My first attempts almost ended in disaster because I received a username which can only be described as “bot-like”, something like Cavewom34675287. It took me ages to figure out that I could change my username to something a little more human , hence the birth of Cavewomanbernie.
Making Progress
I suppose we all measure progress in different ways. For me, it involves setting myself goals and working hard to achieve them. My goal for today was tackling Twitter and that simply meant opening an account and learning the basics. I definitely struggled a bit at first .Indeed, it took me about five minutes to locate the hashtag key on my computer and I was even starting to wonder if my keyboard was faulty! About an hour later though, I had managed to post a couple of tweets and locate some of my contacts on Twitter. Progress is relative and I think that sometimes we can be too hard on ourselves. I’d love to hear your views on this. You can leave a comment or contact me at cavewoman@bernie.ie