
December Review

Woman on red jacket enjoying a winter walk in the snow.Photo by Bernie Delaney. Illustration for December Review blog post, Cavewoman.

December Review

I have to start out by admitting that I didn’t achieve many of my December Targets. As I mentioned in my previous post about the Christmas Open Mic with Pauline Clooney, the season seems to have a mind of its’ own. No matter how hard you try to avoid it, you end up swirled into the mix…At least, that’s always been my experience. So, bearing that in mind, here is my December Review:

Christmas Theme

Well, at least I managed to keep to my targets here. I wrote a blog post about the importance of Home at Christmas and managed a photo story about the Christmas Open Mic. It was interesting doing the photo story, I’d never tried this before using just my own images. It’s definitely something I’d like to explore more in the future, but I think I have a lot to learn. Targets achieved.

Creative Writing

I published Spluttering Silence earlier in the month. This was a poem that I had in my archives, but it needed a bit of tweaking. Happy with that, but I definitely fell down in this area overall. I have several short stories that just need a little editing before being ready to publish. What’s holding me back? Finish your projects.


Apart from the Christmas Open Mic photo story, I published a post about the photograph “Balance“. Not a lot for an aspiring photographer. Needs more work.


Backing up files is very important. Glad to say that I’m about halfway through this goal, though organisation could be better. I still need more specific files to make searches easier. Keep going.

A Creative Journey

Still not sure how to handle this category. It started out being the backbone of my blog and still feels important to me. But how to tie it in with the more creative stuff? Time for reflection.

Blog Posts

I wanted to try something new but got waylaid by Christmas. At least, that’s my excuse. Try harder.


My December Review reminds me of the importance of literature. It really is great for opening the mind. I’ve started 84K by Clare North and it’s a revelation, quite unique. Keep reading.

Happy New Year

Just want to take this opportunity to wish you a Happy New Year. From the words of John Lennon, “Let’s hope it’s a good one, without any fear.” Thank you so much for reading/following my blog. It means a lot.


The photo is my own, taken in Cutbush, The Curragh. On Flickr.

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